beastlogo Hyper Music

Hyper Music Commands

The Bot Prefix is $

$git hubI'll publish codes there

$invite Send bot invite link

$info Information about

$ping Show the bot's average ping

$resume Resume currently playing music

$shuffle Shuffle queue

$stop Stops the music

$vote Send vote link

$loop Toggle music loop

$np Show now playing song

$play (p) Plays audio from YouTube or Soundcloud

$queue (q) Show the music queue and now playing

$search Search and select videos to play

$skip (s) Skip the currently playing song

$uptime Check the uptime

$help (h) Display all commands and descriptions

$lyrics Get lyrics for the currently playing song

$pause Pause the currently playing music

$playlist (pl) Play a playlist from youtube

$remove Remove song from the queue

$support Send server link

$skipto Skip to the selected queue number

$volume Change volume of currently playing music